f1 vehicle

f1 vehicle

f1 vehicle

following the F1 car racing event instead of using an ordinary car, of course. The engine and body used are definitely different from the cars that roam the streets. F1 cars are not sold haphazardly and are not used haphazardly in daily activities. There will be revisions to the use of F1 engines so you can’t stick to how much weight and what model to use. Of course, the revision of the F1 vehicle is the body, engine, and brakes, or whatever.

What triggers the price of expensive F1 vehicles

Natlconsumersleague – F1 cars are not random cars, cars that will later be used in F1 competitions must have a large capacity apart from that F1 cars must be able to dash. Because this car cannot be carried casually, you have to use this car for the race. The following are reasons why F1 cars can be expensive

The main thing that triggers the high price is the engine. Because the engine used in F1 is different than usual, this is what triggers the price of F1 cars to multiply. Mahalnya kendaraan F1 bukan karena bentuknya saja yang unik. Kerumunan jumlah kendaraan F1 yang di buat dengan jumlah yang terbatas sehingga menjadi kendaraan olahraga yang mahal.

Steering wheel

competition//only used in the race arena

If you have never seen an F1 car steering wheel, you will definitely think it is a PSP. The steering engines used in F1 vehicles are very expensive and sophisticated. A steering wheel that can accept any steering gear. 1 steering wheel has so many buttons that you don’t need to control anything.

  1. Transmission
    In the game, the most in use are carbon titanium. Of course, the purpose of the communication is to accelerate semi-automatically. To make a transmission, of course, is not a low price, especially if there are additions to complete the information, it is better to reach prices of up to billions.
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